Pennsylvania’s Innovation Partnership (IPart) Awards 1st $5k MicroVoucher for SBIR Proposal Assistance to York-based, Envision Biomedical LLC – 1/11/22
Recently, the IPart increased the amount of both its MicroVoucher (MV) funding amount from $3k to up to $5k for Phase I SBIR/STTR applicants using the IPart’s Pre-Proposal Assistance & Technical Review Program, and its Federal Marketing Assistance Program (FMA) from $5k to up to $8k for Phase II SBIR/STTR clients.
We are pleased to announce that Envision Biomedical LLC, is IPart’s 1st $5k MicroVoucher Awardee.
Envision Biomedical was launched in 2020 with a mission to revolutionize the medical device industry through advanced polymers that provide improved functionality, safety, and sustainability. We serve medical device industry manufacturers with novel materials to address their most pressing market needs. We have a notable focus on the contact lens and ophthalmic devices industry, with a series of new products currently under development in York, PA.
Envision Biomedical’s Phase I SBIR Proposal for the NSF is focused on an innovative technology enhancement for contact lens material that increases safety and comfort for the wearer.
Company Principals Pictured here are: Sidd Pawar, Ph.D.
CEO & Co-Founder and Jay Kunzler, Ph.D., CTO & Co-Founder
Envision is using their $5k MV award to work with IPart Preferred Provider,
Mulfinger & Associates, LLC to refine and enhance their NSF Phase I Proposal.
Mulfinger & Associates LLC was founded in 2019 to offer research development support for technology-based companies interested in commercializing innovative solutions in the life sciences. The company offers varied types of support to fit a variety of client needs. Supporting small business development is a specialty of the company. Potential clients may request a free one-hour consultation to discuss their development plans and funding needs. During this session, information will be provided on federal funding opportunities available through multi-agency Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Mulfinger & Associates LLC is led by Lorraine Mulfinger, PhD, applying 30+ years’ experience working with interdisciplinary teams to advance technologies supporting animal and plant health. Dr. Mulfinger is committed to robustly supporting the research development needs of clients through a project management approach that begins with timeline planning and continues with active project management
IPart is pleased to have assisted Envision Biomedical with their SBIR proposal preparation, are excited for their submission and hope they are successful in winning a $256k Phase I SBIR award from the NSF to further their exciting innovation for contact lens wearers.