Technical and Business Assistance (TABA)
SBIR/STTR Supplemental Funding
TABA is a relatively new new program (authorized in 2019) that gives SBIR/STTR awardees, funding over and above your SBIR/STTR grant. TABA funding can be use for commercialization and business assistance expenses that you cannot otherwise include in your SBIR/STTR budget/proposal. TABA-covered service expenses can pay for assistance services from one or more third-party service providers you identify, such as Our IPart Partner Organizations (if allowed by that IPart Partner Entity).
Among the agencies that offer TABA, most want you to apply for this option when you submit your SBIR/STTR Phase I or Phase II proposal.
TABA Funding can be used for any of the following – as examples:
- Company Resource and Team Building
- Expert/End-User Interviews for Insights and Market Validation
- Financial Plan Review
- Fundraising Strategy Development
- IP Landscape Review
- IP Strategy Consultation
- Identifying & Outreaching to Potential Commercialization Partners
- Licensing Advisory/ Deal Terms
- Market Assessment- reviewing competitive technologies, market size and dynamics
- Market Entry Launch Strategy Development
- Manufacturing Strategy Consultation
- Needs Assessment and/or SWOT Analysis
- Preparation of Technology Marketing Material
- Product Development Consultation
- Review and edit of Commercialization Plan
- Regulatory Strategy Consulting
- Technology Marketing for Trade Show, Conference, or Event
Please see the table below for TABA-offering Agencies and their allowable request amounts:
Agency/Program | Phase I Amt | Phase II Amt |
DOD varies by component | up to $6,500 | up to $50,000 |
DOE | $6,500 | $50,000 |
DHS | $6,500 | $50,000 |
DOT | $6,500 | $13,000 |
EPA | $10,000 | |
NASA | $6,500 | $50,000 |
NIST | $6,500 | $6,500 |
NSF NSF TABA Dear Colleague Letter 2019 | N/A | $50,000 |
NIH NIH TABA PPT | $6,500 | $50,000 |
USDA | $6,500 | $50,000 |
**Please note that not all agencies or DoD services/components have exercised TABA.
CAUTION: As with ANY SBIR/STTR funding program/mechanism – you will need to carefully read the actual opportunity solicitation to realize the current TABA guideline/parameters/submission processes for that Agency/opportunity.
TABA can be a valuable resource for small businesses participating in the SBIR/STTR programs. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW SPECIFIC AGENCY SOLICITATIONS (each agency administers their TABA programs differently!) to understand their implementation (or lack thereof) of TABA and to understand if you could benefit from the services allowed through TABA.
Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) provides an opportunity to assist small businesses participating in the SBIR and STTR programs with commercializing its technology.
The assistance is guided by Section 9 (b) of the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive, and it enables federal agencies to help small businesses by funding vendors to support commercializing their innovations or by providing additional funding directly to small businesses so they can contract their own vendors and consultants for commercialization purposes.
The purpose of technical and business assistance is to assist SBIR/STTR Awardees in:
- Making better technical decisions on SBIR/STTR projects;
- Solving technical problems that arise during SBIR/STTR projects;
- Minimizing technical risks associated with SBIR/STTR projects; and
- Commercializing the SBIR/STTR product or process, including intellectual property protections.
Participants can use their TABA funding for, or receive in-kind through their funding agencies, a variety of services (including, but not limited to):
- Assistance with product sales, intellectual property protections, market research, market validation, and development of regulatory plans and manufacturing plans.
The following funding amounts are allowed by law: Phase 1 – Up to $6,500
Up to $6,500 of SBIR/STTR funds for each Phase I award, which shall be in addition to the amount of the award.
Phase 2 – Up to $50,000
Agencies may provide up to $50,000 of SBIR/STTR funds per project for Phase II awards. Please note, that unlike the Phase I amounts, agencies have discretion in determining if the funding provided for TABA support for Phase II awards will be included as part of the recipient’s award or be in addition to the amount of the recipient’s award. The agencies’ solicitation notices should describe how they are handling this decision.
The processes governing TABA applications, decisions, and funding vary by agency, so small businesses should review agency solicitations and program sites to determine the agency’s approach. Please note, not all agencies utilize or provide TABA.
While reviewing agency solicitations keep a look out for the following items:
- Timing – Make sure you know if you need to request TABA within your proposal, during the award, or at some other period as defined by the specific agency’s solicitation.
- Amounts – What are the maximum amounts allowed by the agency and are these provided in addition to (above your requested SBIR/STTR award amount) or from within (Included in your SBIR/STTR budget) your award amount.
- Approvals – What information does the agency require to approve your company selected vendor? {A VENDOR can be an Economic Development Assistance Organization, an institution, an individual, or a company that provides TABA-allowable services.)