Travel & Training Program

Travel and training are supporting elements of federal funding through SBIR/STTR, but the cost can be substantial. IPart can help.

Applicants receiving an IPart Pre-Proposal Technical Assistance Review (PPA) and submitting appropriate reimbursement documentation are eligible to receive financial assistance for travel and training related to SBIR/STTR submissions.

Candidates may receive a Travel & Training Program award that reimburses up to $1,000 or one half of the total costs, whichever is less, for travel and training expenses directly related to their SBIR/STTR submissions. Travel awards can be applied to expenses incurred six months prior to and after the federal submission date.

Use of Funds

Travel & Training Program awards may be used to pay for:

  • Visiting the federal agency, federal program manager or laboratory potentially sponsoring the technology and related to a federal funding opportunity
  • Attending state, regional or national SBIR/STTR conferences
  • Attending training relative to subject matter areas such as SBIR/STTR or federal funding programs; writing a winning proposal; management tactics for after the award; how to commercialize technologies; and working with federal funding agencies
  • Attending other training sessions as believed to provide client value by IPart

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be located in Pennsylvania, and include: sole-proprietorships, limited partnerships (LP), limited liability companies (LLC), S-Corp., C-Corp., and university-based research teams.
  • Subsequent primary manufacture or production of commercial products resulting from the proposal is planned to take place within the same general geographic area.
  • Applicants must have worked with an IPart Member Organization or the IPart Exec. Director and have completed and received a Pre-Proposal Application Program (PPAP) Technical Review.
  • Applicants who accept this offer of assistance with travel and training associated with the preparation of their federal proposal are required to provide an equivalent investment, either in the form of cash or in-kind contribution.
  • Non-domestic travel and related expenses, regardless of its direct relationship to the SBIR/STTR proposal being submitted for federal funding, are NOT reimbursable under the Travel & Training Program.

Application Limits

  • A single applicant may submit no more than two applications to the Travel & Training Program per calendar year.
  • Any individual or company whether with one single company or with multiple companies, may be awarded no more than $20,000 in total support through the IPart MicroGrant/Micro-Voucher/Federal Marketing Assistance and Travel & Training Programs, combined for the lifetime of their program usage.
  • Clients who reach the $20,000 award limit may continue to utilize the IPart’s Pre-Proposal Assistance Technical Review while continuing to adhere to the submission limits noted previously.
  • Non-domestic travel and related expenses are NOT allowable under this program.

Terms of Participation

Program participants agree to comply with the following responsibilities:

  • Provide IPart with a completed Travel & Training Reimbursement Application
  • Provide IPart with the itemized costs associated with the above activities
  • Provide IPart with copies of all receipts associated with allowable travel
  • Provide IPart with copies of applicable Training Announcement, description(s) and an Agenda for the attended sessions
  • Provide IPart with proof of federal proposal submission
  • If financial assistance is offered and accepted, both parties will sign a written agreement that defines the terms and conditions for the award
  • Promote the successful pursuit of federal funding among other small high-technology firms in the region. Participate in good faith as requested by IPart in activities designed to encourage others in the region to pursue similar federal funding. This participation may include serving as a speaker or panel discussion member at an organized event or providing interviews for published informational or instructional materials
  • Report economic impact data (jobs, sales, investment) to IPart upon the completion of the project and then annually for a period of 3 years. This information will only be used in aggregate form by IPart – confidentiality of data by individual respondent will be protected

Application Deadline

Travel- and training-related expenditures may be incurred six months in advance of the federal agency’s solicitation due date or six months after. Applications for reimbursement for expenditures from up to six months prior to IPart Pre-Proposal submission will not receive reimbursement until after the Pre-Proposal technical review is completed by the Investment Committee. All Travel & Training Program Applications should be submitted after client’s federalproposal submission. Applications received outside the above parameters will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Applications are reviewed and awarded on a first-received basis and upon availability of program funding.

Review, Notification and Disbursement

An IPart Administrator will review, approve, or decline all Travel and Training Reimbursement applications and applicants will be notified via e-mail of funding decisions. IPart will release funds to the client after approval of completed Travel & Training Program Application submission per previous instructions.

How to Apply

For additional information about this program, instructions on how to apply, or other supporting federal funding for technology development, please contact the IPart Director.