Panels, Tips, Strategies, & One-On-Ones with Federal Agency Decision Makers!
This event provides you with an opportunity to participate in live-streaming panels & presentations with participating federal agencies that administer over 7,000 annual new awards, and to meet virtually, One-on-One with program managers and topic authors.
- July 19 (Mon): Welcome & Getting Started, Noon-1:30PM; One-on-Ones, 2-5PM
- July 20 (Tues) : Inside the Head of an Evaluator, 2-3PM; One on Ones, 9AM-1:30PM; Agency Roundtables, 3:30-5PM
- July 21 (Wed): MBDA InVision Tour with FLC: 1-3:30; One on Ones, 9AM-5PM
- July 22 (Thrs): SBIR History/Policy & USPTO Resources, 1-2:30PM; One on ones, 2-5PM
- July 23 (Fri): Beyond Phase II, 1-2PM; Agency Roundtables: 10AM-NoonQuestions?
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