Sign Up Now
Are you planning to submit a proposal to the NASA SBIR/STTR program’s next Phase I Solicitation, scheduled to come out in January 2022? Get prepared by meeting with our program representatives!
We’ll be hosting one-on-one meetings on Wednesday, November 10th and Wednesday, November 17th from Noon – 4 pm ET to give you an opportunity to get your questions answered and gears turning ahead of the solicitation release. We’ve also invited several other NASA programs to participate so you can learn about more opportunities our agency offers that you might want to take advantage of.
The meetings will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so Learn more and register here. Note: One-on-ones are only open to U.S. small businesses, research institutions, and students.
We look forward to connecting with you in November!
Questions? Contact our NASA SBIR/STTR Helpdesk at sbir@reisystems.com
If you are not on the NASA email list, sign up for their newsletter and you’ll be notified when the One-On-Ones are OPEN for Sign Up HERE: https://sbir.nasa.gov/content/program-information-request