EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Solicitation is Now Open!
Open Date: June 15, 2022 – Close Date: August 23, 2022 (IPart, PPA Submission Deadline to Receive Tech Review, Tues, July 26th – 1st draft of IPart PPA due week of July 11th!)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of its 2022-2023 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Solicitation to develop innovative technologies that protect human health and the environment.
The EPA anticipates making approximately twenty-five (25) Phase I awards, each in the amount up to $100,000 and not to exceed a six (6) month term of performance. It is anticipated that these contracts will be awarded with a contract start date of December 1, 2022. The Phase I effort is for “proof of concept” of the proposed technology. All companies that successfully complete Phase I are eligible to compete for Phase II which is to further develop and commercialize the technology. Awards for Phase II are for up to $400,000 for two years with a commercialization option of up to $100,000, to further develop and commercialize the technology.
2022-2023 EPA SBIR Topics Include:
Clean and Safe Water
- Decentralized wastewater treatment (septic system) technologies for intentional non-potable reuse
- Technologies to process, sort and identify microplastics
- In-stream aquatic trash capture technologies
- Sensors to detect high priority contaminants of emerging concern (including PFAS)
Air Quality & Climate
- Ambient air monitoring technology for air toxics
- Continuous Emission Monitoring System for metal HAPs
- Air monitoring technology for methane emissions from fugitive sources
- Technologies that reduce exposure to radon in buildings
- Technologies for improved recovery of refrigerant from air conditioning (AC) and refrigeration equipment
Homeland Security
- Innovative technology solutions that build community resilience to disasters
- Miniaturized oil spill droplet size sensor for emergency response underwater vehicles
Circular Economy/Sustainable Materials
- Innovative technologies that help consumers prevent food waste in the acquisition, preparation, and storage of food
- Innovative technologies or materials that will improve the U.S. recycling system
- Innovative reduction, reuse, and recycling solutions to advance plastic circularity
Safer Chemicals
- PCB-free color
- Rubber anti-degradant technologies for tires and other rubber products that are lower concern for human health and the environment
- Innovative enhanced efficiency fertilizers
Risk Assessment
- Software tools and machine-learning applications for systematic review in science assessment for chemical evaluation
Did you miss the Informational Webinar on this funding opportunity? View the presentation and Q&A’s HERE.
The official Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is posted on FedConnect. Proposals must be submitted through FedConnect by the required deadline. Use the following steps to access the BAA via FedConnect:
- Go to FedConnect: https://www.fedconnect.net/FedConnect/Default.htm EXIT EPA WEBSITE
- Use the FedConnect search function to Search Public Opportunities Only.
- Select Reference Number in the Search Criteria drop-down menu.
- Enter “68HERC22R0180” into the text box and select the search option.
- Select the SBIR BAA title with Reference Number 68HERC22R0180.