
DOT SBIR FY23 SBIR Solicitation Is Now Open

U.S. DOT’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) fiscal year (FY23) Phase I solicitation is now open from February 7, 2023, through March 7, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. ET. View the solicitation requirements and Phase I solicitation research topics on DOT’s SBIR websiteor on

Pre-Offer Webinar

A pre-offer webinar will be held February 9, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. ET for small businesses interested in applying to the U.S. DOT SBIR fiscal year 2023 solicitation. The webinar will feature information about the SBIR program, eligibility and requirements, offer preparation, and the evaluation process.

Register by February 8, 2023 at:  

How to Apply

  1. Read the FY23 solicitationfor information about the FY23 research topics and offer requirements.
  2. Review the FY23 pre-solicitation Q&A and SBIR FAQs.
  • If you have any administrative questions not listed in the FAQs or questions regarding Appendix C: Contract Pricing Worksheet, please submit questions via email to no later than 5:00 pm ET on March 1, 2023.
  • Please note: Technical questions pertaining to the research topics will not be answered during the solicitation period, as technical questions were only permitted during the pre-solicitation period. View the pre-solicitation Q&A.

3. Submit an offer through our secure site.

  • Please be aware that the submittal process requires answering several questions; be sure to allow ample time to complete the multi-step submittal process. Offers will not be considered received by the Government until this multi-step process is complete. Offerors are encouraged to submit their offers as early as possible. To prepare for submission, you may view the submission form fields in advance.

Offer Requirements

You must submit four separate files for your offer. See the FY23 solicitation document for the complete requirements.

  1. Technical section (PDF)
  2. Appendix A: Signature Page and Appendix B: Project Summary (PDF)
  3. Appendix C: Contract Pricing Worksheet (Excel)
  4. Contract Pricing Worksheet Supporting Documentation (PDF)


The DOT SBIR Program Office intends to make recommendations for Phase I awards no later than 90 days after the solicitation closing date.

FY23 Research Topics

See Section VIII of the FY23 solicitation document for full research topic descriptions.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

  • 23-FH1:  Addressing Stormwater Runoff with a Self-Contained Portable Treatment System
  • 23-FH2:  Traffic Monitoring and In Situ Information Processing Using Edge Computing

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

  • 23-FR1:  Concrete Crosstie Inspection Technology
  • 23-FR2:  Novel Design for Passenger Railcar Glazing Securement

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

  • 23-NH1:  Child Presence Detection CO2 Release Test Device
  • 23-NH2:  Immersive Virtual Reality Training on Impaired Driving for Law Enforcement

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

  • 23-PH1:  Bioremediation for Hazardous Material Spills
  • 23-PH2:  Integrated RFID Trackers and Sensors for Hazardous Material Communication in Transportation
  • 23-PH3:  Portable State-of-Charge Sensor for Lithium Batteries
  • 23-PH4:  Wearable PPE-integrated Sensors for First Responders