
DoD SBIR 10.2 Solicitation Issued April 21, 2010

The DoD SBIR 2010.2 solicitation was pre-released at on April 21, 2010. The Army, Navy, DARPA, DMEA, DTRA, and OSD invite small businesses to submit proposals under this solicitation. During the pre-release period, which ends on May 18, you may contact the topic authors directly (contact information is listed with the topic) to ask technical questions about specific solicitation topics. The DoD will begin accepting proposals on May 19, 2010 and will close to proposals on June 23, 2010 at 6:00 a.m. ET.

Plan ahead and submit your proposal early to avoid the risk of website inaccessibility due to heavy usage on the final day.

IPart Pre-Proposal Submission Deadline for this solicitation is Wednesday, May 26, 2010.

Technical Q&A through SITIS

Once DoD begins accepting proposals on May 19, no further direct contact between proposers and topic authors is allowed, but proposers may submit written questions through the SBIR Interactive Topic Information System (SITIS), in which the questioner and respondent remain anonymous and all questions and answers are posted electronically for general viewing. SITIS closes to new questions on June 9, 2010. All questions and answers will be posted up to June 23, 2010. All proposers are advised to monitor SITIS at during the solicitation period for questions and answers and other information relevant to the topic under which they are proposing.

Commercialization Update Effort

Please note that the definition of 3rd Party Revenue (previously 3rd Party Sales) has been updated. For more information, see Guidance for Completing the Company Commercialization Report: Instructions and Definitions on the Company Commercialization section of the DoD Submission website.

In order to properly evaluate your firm’s commercialization efforts, as well as to reliably measure the performance and impact of the SBIR/STTR Programs, you must review and ensure that your Company Commercialization data is complete, current, and accurate. The Company Commercialization Report must list every prior SBIR/STTR Phase II award received from any federal agency, regardless of whether the Phase II has commercialized to date. Phase III sales and investment figures, as well as manufacturing-related R&D and other commercialization information, must be updated within the last 12 months for all Phase II awards.

Password Security Policy

Effective measures to reduce system vulnerability and increase security include creating a strong password to your account and changing it frequently. This is your defense for protecting your firm’s proposal information. Choose a strong password that does not contain easily recognizable information like firm names, phone numbers, addresses, or other information that someone could guess. Your new password MUST be at least 10 characters and contain the following: at least 1 upper case letter; at least 1 lower case letter; at least 1 number; and at least 1 special character (e.g. $, ?, !, etc.).

DoD SBIR Help Desk

If you have any questions please contact the DoD SBIR/STTR Help Desk at 866-724-7457 or by e-mail at