
Virtual Strategic Partner Introduction (VSPI) Series – Provided by Dawnbreaker

Virtual Strategic Partner Introduction (VSPI) Series - Dawnbreaker

FALL 2010 Series Begins October 26th – Registration is Open NOW!

The VSPI (Virtual Strategic Partner Introduction) Series is a free, on-line introduction to emerging technologies that have been funded by the National Science Foundation [NSF] and are being developed by small businesses around the country. As part of the Commercialization Planning Program that Dawnbreaker administers for NSF, the VSPI provides the opportunity for participating companies to introduce their early stage technologies to potential strategic partners. Partners might take the form of licensees, OEMs, investors, beta sites, etc.

You can easily review the agenda and abstracts of all technologies being presented in the VSPI Series by visiting:

While there is no fee to participate in these sessions, registration is required in order to obtain the password protected URL link for the virtual meeting rooms.

The agendas for the individual Fall 2010 VSPI Series sessions have been posted here. Each of the presenting firms recently received a Phase I SBIR or STTR award from the National Science Foundation [NSF] to begin research on the topic described on the Agendas. If they are successful with concept development, they will submit a Phase II proposal to NSF for consideration of an additional $500,000 to continue their research. The early involvement of interested parties that express interest in a company’s work, or which can serve as a beta test site, is a demonstration of market pull. Expressed market-pull is viewed very positively by NSF when considering whether or not to fund the submitted Phase II proposal.

Companies will make a brief, introductory presentation lasting no more than 8 minutes with a couple of minutes for Questions and Answers [Q&A]. It is important to keep in mind that these technologies are currently at a very early stage of development. As the presentation times are very short, we are asking the audience to type in questions, so that we can control the time of the presentations. Please feel free to follow-up with the companies subsequent to their presentation if you are interested in beginning a dialog with the firm.

If you have any further questions about the VSPI Series, please feel free to contact Steve Orth of Dawnbreaker at 585-594-5188 or

“I have participated in almost all of the VSPI offerings since their initiation in Fall 2009 and find the company “flights” to be informative and well-executed.  Featured companies provide succinct information about their technology(ies) and team which should spur potential partner companies, researchers, investors, and customers to begin a dialogue with the company and potentially develop a future relationship.  This series provides a unique opportunity for all interested parties that has the real potential of moving technologies from the workbench to the marketplace” – Kelly S. Wylam, Manager, Innovation Partnership